Discipleship Classes

First Baptist Nixa regularly offers discipleship classes to help our members and guests grow deeper in their faith. Typically, we offer a 10-12 week Fall and Spring session. 

Spring Discipleship Studies

Wednesday Nights @ 6:00 pm

  • A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller     

    PRAYER is simply you---a child of a good Father---making conversation with Him a rhythm of your life. For most of us, prayer is so hard that unless circumstances demand it, we simply do not pray. Prayerlessness is rooted in unbelief. Because of prayerlessness, our lives are often marked by fear, anxiety, joylessness, and spiritual lethargy. Paul Miller introduces us to prayer that regularly and consistently hopes, trusts, and expects God to act.

    Facilitated by: Pastor Tim Haupt

  • The Peacemaker by Ken Sande

    Looking for a way to turn your conflicts into opportunities to glorify God? Interpersonal strife is ever present in our homes, workplaces, communities, and even in our churches. But does conflict always have to end in ruptured relationships and painful wounds that in some cases never heal?

    The chapters of the book are organized into four parts which make up the four major steps for working through conflict in a Biblical manner. These four steps (organized into a helpful alliteration) are to Glorify God, Get the Log Out of Your Eye, Go and Show Your Brother His Fault, and Go and Be Reconciled. 

    Facilitated by: Pastor Gordon Dawley

  • Culture Shock by Chip Ingram

    If there ever has been a time for Christians to understand and communicate God's truth about controversial and polarizing issues , it is now. Bring light - not heat - to divisive issues! Helping you talk openly and respectfully about today's challenging topics, Chip reveals and calls into question presuppositions on both sides. He believes that basing our convictions on research, reason, and biblical truth, we'll be able to speak the truth in love on abortion, homosexuality, sex, politics, the environment, and more. Culture Shock is every engaged believer's must-have guidebook to replacing reactionary hate with revolutionary love.

    Facilitated by: Pastor Jay Swope

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